Tag Archives: journalists

Jon Stewart outs Fox News Channel


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Jon Stewart from The Daily Show spotted inconsistencies in a video that aired on Fox News on November 5. Fox News and one of its hosts Sean Hannity used footage from two different events and put them together in the same piece to support an argument that many people showed up at an event in Washington D.C.  

To the average viewer it may not have been noticed but when Jon Stewart breaks the piece down it is pretty obvious the differences in the footage.  Check out the link below, you will not regreat it.

Jon Stewart outing Fox News

It is sad when the news networks and newspapers try to get over on the viewers and readers. I just do not understand why journalists have to do this. It is a journalist job to report the news not make a story, journalists are shorting themselves and the public when they try to make a story go their way.

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Links in journalism

I was flipping through some media blogs today and found a post that I thought was very interesting. Should real-time search results end?

The post stated that in the past  journalist were the ones who ended a story. Now stories on the internet can go on forever.

One link leads to another and so forth and so on. A person can get as much information as they want on any given subject and the story seems to have no end. 


Click the picture to see the link









If a journalist can now post a link in a story, to give more information to a story, does this make the journalist lazy or allow them to focus their attention on other areas of the story?

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